Saturday 10 March 2012

10th March 2012

1. It's Coming

The Return

Whaaaaaat up! 

For those who have just stumbled across this by chance, Hello. 
For those who I have poked and jabbed to come look, Hiyaaa.
For those who don't know, this is my second Blog. My first was with one of my best friends, but we stopped due to general business (laziness) but I've been badgered to come back so here I am. 

Little Me
My name is Sam Tatum, I'm 19 years old and I live in a smallish town called Hebburn (which is gonna have it's own TV show!) in the North East of England. I was a failure at life and did not get into University to do PR and Journalism *cue said awws from those reading* but I'm still interested in the field. I love everything Celebrity. Everything TV. Basically the media industry. I try to know everything which will be good for you because you can read about it here! And I have alot of opinions on the industry and what goes on in it, and I love to hear other people's opinions. 

So here's what I'm gonna do. Ima post Celebrity, TV, Film, Music news that I want to talk about and share my views on and your views are very welcome in the comment boxes!

I can't tell you how often I'll post because I have no idea since I'm at work like all the time but I hope you will read when I do and share it with your friends!

Also for those wondering why my blog is called PB, it's a secret. You might find out one day...